Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Challenge of the Day! Walking!

Good Morning!

Today's challenge will be walking.  Just get outside, if you can, and walk around for 30 minutes.  It will help to make you feel great and get that mid afternoon energy boost!

Sharing this from our friends over at Herbalife Level 10!  Get out there and have a wonderful day!!!


Monday, October 7, 2013

Challenge of the Day!

Challenge of the Day!

Good Monday morning team...  Today is going to be a great day.

Let's make it a even better day by doing the bellow challenge.

30 squats30 sit-ups, 30 second plank and follow it all up with 30 lunges.

1. Start of by doing 30 squats and get that blood flowing then rest for a minute.

2. Hit the floor and get your 30 sit-ups in.

3. Not resting roll over and get that 30 second plank in.

4. Next begin you 30 lunges, or jumping lunges for a cardio kick!  Easy to do, lung to the kitchen, then to the shower and then to the car.

Have a great day and be happy!




Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Challenge of the Day! Isometric Bicep Exercise!

Good Morning!
Today's challenge will be isometric bicep exercise. 

This is the simplest type of isometric exercise, and it can be easily done at the office.

Put your hands under the desk and place them against the tabletop, with your palms up. Now, press against the tabletop, keeping your elbows tight against your ribs.
Hold your hands in this position for 10 seconds or count slowly until 10, and then repeat 2 to 3 times.

Breathe normally while performing isometric exercises.  Keep your abdominal muscles tight while performing each exercise, as it will help you to maintain a correct posture, while improving core strength.
During an isometric contraction, your muscles maintain a constant length as resistance is applied, and no joint position occurs.

Have a healthy and happy day!


Monday, September 30, 2013

Challenge of the Day! Stretching!

Good Morning Team Fitties!

Today's challenge will be try and not spill your protein shake on the keyboard while typing up the challenge of the day.  J/K!


The real challenge of the day will be just simply, stretching!

We over look the importance of stretching a lot of times and today we would like to remind everyone the importance of stretching.  Attached is a simple routine to help you get ready for the day or your workout. 
You can stretch anytime of the day to help improve flexibility,  Not to mention it just feels good to get the blood flowing. 

Stretch as a warm-up before any type of workout or sport activity.  This will help to improve performance and reduce the risk of injury.

Have a healthy and happy day!

-Have you had you shake today?
DareNutrition  gethealthy@darenutrition.com

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Challenge of the Day! Cycling Russian Twist!

Challenge of the Day!  Cycling Russian Twist

Let's do 3 sets of 25. A complete rep is left side then right side equals 1.  Try and do this with a minimal rest between sets.  The burn is a good burn!

  • Sitting on the floor, lift your legs so they're off the ground but parallel with the floor.
  • Holding your arms straight out in front of your chest with your palms together.
  • Lean back so your upper body is at a 45-degree angle to the floor.
  • Extend your left leg and twist to the right as you pull your right knee to your chest.
  • Don't let your legs touch the floor! This is the hard part of this challenge!
  • Rotate to the left, raising your left knee and straighten your right leg.

  • This is a great workout for the lower abs!  I love this workout and try to get them in everyday. 

    Have a healthy and happy day!

    Have you had your protein shake today?  DareNutrition

    Friday, September 27, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Potty Time Squat Time!

    Challenge of the Day!  Potty Time Equals Squat Time!

    This is a 2 part challenge:

    1. Make sure you get lots and lots of water today.

    2. and every time you go to the bathroom do 25 squats.

    You'll look funny doing it, but your butt will thank you for it.  :)







    Thursday, September 26, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! PLANK!

    Challenge of the Day!!!    

    Plank + Bonus Challenge!

    Lie face down, palms flat on the floor.

    Push off the floor, raising up onto toes and resting on the elbows.

    Keep your back flat, in a straight line from head to heels.

    Hold for 30 seconds, rest for 30 seconds and repeat for 3 reps.
     The plank is a great way to build the abs and tone your core.  Keep focused while doing the plank and remember form is very important on this challenge. 
             Bonus Challenge of the Day! 25 crunches!  woo hooo!!!  Done with your Plank challenge, roll over and do 25 crunches!  Get that core workout for the day.    
    DareNutrition  gethealthy@darenutrition.com

    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Marching in Place!

    The challenge for today will be marching in place.  "High Knees" 

    Walk in place like you have somewhere to go and fast.  :)

    It's a great way to get that cardio up and work on your lower body.  Make sure to swing your arms and lift those knees high!  Keep a brisk walking pace. 

    March in Place for 45 seconds and rest for 20 seconds.  Let's do 3 sets today!!!

    DareNutrition  gethealthy@darenutrition.com

    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Scissor Kicks!

    Today's challenge will be Scissor Kicks. 

    We all want that firm butt and lower abs... right???  Well, this is one exercise that will help you get  there. 

    It's easy lay on your back and lift one leg into the air and then back down.  Then lift the other one, do not let your foot touch the ground during your sets.  6" off the ground.  :)

     3 sets of 20 should do it!  No rush, just complete your sett and rest a minute.





    Monday, September 23, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Eat your veggies!!!

    Today's challenge is to eat your vegetables. 

    Add more vegetables to your day, below is a chart from Herbalife Level 10 to help you on your challenge.

    Finding ways to get your vegetables in your daily meal plan is simple and will help you maintain your nutrition. 

    Did you know broccoli is a super food? Here are five reasons why you should eat this humble vegetable more often.  AKA "little trees"...  :)

    1. Eye health
    2. Digestive track
    3. Energy production
    4. Healthy skin (Vitamin C)
    5. Vitamin K, helping blood to clot after injury.

    Have you had your protein shake today? 



    Sunday, September 22, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! WALL SITS!!

    Wall sits are a great way to tone and strengthen your quadriceps (legs), gluteus maximums (butt), core (tummy) muscles!

    You can grab any wall, any where, any time, and begin your challenge.

    Today's challenge will be 3 sets of 45 second wall sits! 

    If your advanced go a longer, 1 minute and grab a 10lb dumb bell, or whatever you have, for a more challenging wall sit.

    Have you had your protein shake today?


    Saturday, September 21, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Jumping Jacks

    Let's have fun and look silly today.  Okay, you don't look silly doing jumping jacks! 

    Today's challenge will be jumping jacks! 

    2 minutes times 5 sets rest 30 seconds between sets. 

    10 minutes of jumping jacks will be a great cardio and total body exercise.

    Have you had your protein shake today?  DareNutrition

    Friday, September 20, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Russian Twists!

    Hello my healthy friends!

    Todays challenge will be Russian Twists!  This is a great workout for the lower abdominal workout.

    3 sets of 20 will get that burn going.  Keep you feet off the ground about 6" and twist to one side and then the other.  I love this work out! 

    Advanced workout, 3 sets of 40... Oh yeah!!!

    Have a healthy and happy day!

    Have you had your protein shake today?  DareNutrition

    Thursday, September 19, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Sit ups!

    Okay today we are going to do good old fashion sit ups!

    It is a simple day, just work on that stomach muscle and not the table muscle... :)

    Let's do 3 sets of 25... through out the day.  Take your time, just get your 75 sit ups done before you go to bed.  Easy!!!

    Have you had your protein shake today? DareNutrition

    Wednesday, September 18, 2013

    Challenge of the Day. Chair Dips!!!

    After yesterdays workout with #darenutritionfitclass I think its time for some upper body workouts.  Cardio and core was amazing.

    Todays challenge we will be focusing on our arms, triceps.  We begin by grabbing a chair, preferably one without wheels :), and begin our challenge.

    3 sets of 15 will be todays challenge.  Resting 20 seconds between reps.  Good form with at least a 90 degree bend at the elbows! 

    Advanced workout fitties can do 3 sets of 25.  Oh yeah!!!

    Have you had your protein shake today?  Try the blueberry cheesecake!  DareNutrition

    Tuesday, September 17, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Frog Jumps!

    Go for the total core and leg workout today!

    The Frog Jump is an amazing way to get your cardio, legs and core workout done.  Today in our fit class, we are going to be doing a variation of the Frog Jump, 1 yard at a time Frog Jump then transition to Crab Crawls... Talk about an awesome workout!!!

    Okay so the Challenge of the Day is to do 3 sets of 10 Frog Jumps. 

    This can be done by doing a squat and then jumping straight into the air.  You can also jump forward at the same time for 10 yards.  This will complete 1 set and then turn around for another set...

    Have you had your protein shake today?  DareNutrition
    Get Healthy and Get Happy!!!

    Monday, September 16, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Leg Raises

    This is a simple challenge.

    Lay flat on your back and raise your stiff legs to the sky...  Point your toes the whole time and tighten that lower belly. 

    Let's do 3 sets of 15.  Resting 15 seconds between sets.

    Advanced fitties do 5 sets of 25 resting 15 seconds between sets.

    Have you had you protein shake today?  DareNutrition

    Sunday, September 15, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Bike Time!

    Good Morning Team,

    Time to get the bike out of the garage and go for a bike ride.

    Ride around the block, ride your bike to the store.  Get the family out of the house for a couple of hours and ride your bike to park. 

    Don't forget your protein shake before and after your bike ride!  DareNutrition

    Below is some stats for bike riding:


    How many calories do you burn riding a bicycle? A person's age, weight, and intensity level are big determining factors in finding out how many calories are burned with any exercise. In this article we are going to break it down into 5 weight categories. Your exact weight will vary, but you should be able to get a good idea on where you stand. Now, how many calories do you burn riding a bicycle.
    HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU BURN RIDING A BICYCLE AT 125 POUNDS The average 125 pound person will burn 225 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a leisurely pace, 480 calories per hour mountain biking, 495 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 12-14 mph pace, and 600 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 14-16 mph pace.
    HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU BURN RIDING A BICYCLE AT 150 POUNDS The average 150 pound person will burn 270 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a leisurely pace, 576 calories per hour mountain biking, 594 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 12-14 mph pace, and 720 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 14-16 mph pace.
    HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU BURN RIDING A BICYCLE AT 185 POUNDS The average 185 pound person will burn 333 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a leisurely pace, 710 calories per hour mountain biking, 733 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 12-14 mph pace, and 888 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 14-16 mph pace.
    HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU BURN RIDING A BICYCLE AT 215 POUNDS The average 215 pound person will burn 387 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a leisurely pace, 826 calories per hour mountain biking, 851 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 12-14 mph pace, and 1032 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 14-16 mph pace.
    HOW MANY CALORIES DO YOU BURN RIDING A BICYCLE AT 250 POUNDS The average 250 pound person will burn 450 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a leisurely pace, 960 calories per hour mountain biking, 990 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 12-14 mph pace, and 1200 calories per hour riding a bicycle at a 14-16 mph pace.

    Saturday, September 14, 2013

    Challenge of the Day!

    Simple Saturday Challenge!

    Take advantage of a full parking lot. Instead of wasting time looking for close spots, park farther way from the door and start hoofing it.

    If you want add some lunges in there on the way into the store or mall! No door dents on my car! 

    Don't forget your protein shake... Have you had you shake today?  DareNutrition

    Friday, September 13, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! (Side Plank Dips)

    Good Morning Team Dare!!

    Continuing with the six pack abs workout.  Today we are going to do side plank dips.

    Get into the side plank position, lower your hips and then raise them back up to the sky.  Repeat for 20 seconds and rotate to the other side.

    This is a great work out to get rid of that unwanted belly fat, "muffin top"

    Lets do 3 sets of 20 seconds each side.  Its a great workout for that six pack core workout!!!

    Advanced team can do 4 sets of 30 seconds each side and feel that burn...

    Have you had you protein shake today? DareNutrition

    Thursday, September 12, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! (Knee Pull Ins)

    Hello Team!

    Today's work out challenge is part of the six pack abs theme.

    We are going to do 100 knee pull ins throughout the day.  Sit on the floor, or the edge of a chair, and begin to pull those knees to your chest.

    Try and do sets of 20 each time, you will feel it in your lower stomach.  You should be able to complete this while at the office or on your breaks.  20 before you go to bed or while watching TV. 

    Have you had your protein shake today?!  DareNutrition

    Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! (Plank)

    Okay Team,

    Here is one that we did last night in our fit class.  This is a complete core workout and will help to tone your body!

    The challenge is...  3 sets, holding the position for 30 seconds each set.  Rest for 30 seconds between sets. 

    For those advanced team members, 3 sets holding for 1 minute each set.  Rest for 15 seconds between sets.


    Tuesday, September 10, 2013

    Challenge of the Day (Squats)!

    Good Morning Team Fitties! -Have you had you shake today?

    Today's challenge will be squats.  We all want that firm butt... right???  Well, this is one exercise that will get you there.  It's easy just pretend like your going to sit down with no chair and then stand up.

    3 sets of 20 should do it!  No rush, just complete extension.  All the way down with a at least a 90 degree bend at you knees, like the below picture.

    DareNutrition  gethealthy@darenutrition.com

    Monday, September 9, 2013

    Challenge of the Day! Crunches.

    Hi Team,

    Let's do 3 sets of 20 crunches. Work those stomach muscles!  Helping to get rid of the muffin top. 


    Sunday, September 8, 2013

    Run, Walk or Bike

    Good Morning!

    Today is Sunday, so the obvious thing to do is CAMP COUCH, avoid the temptation and try the Challenge of the Day!

    Choose 1 of the below as your challenge today... Choose all 2 or 3 for those advanced fitties!  Get healthy and happy.  Burn those calories and tone those muscles.  Have you had you shake today?  

    Run - 1 Mile

    Walk - 2 Miles

    Bike - 3 Miles


    Saturday, September 7, 2013

    Challeng of the Day (Lunges)

    Okay Friends,

    Today challenge will be lunges...  3 sets of 10, each leg, with a 20 second rest between sets... is easy!!! 

    For the advanced workout try 3 sets of 30 lunges, each leg, with a 10 second rest between each set.

    Have you had your protein shake for the day?  DareNutrition

    Friday, September 6, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Okay Fitties!!!

    Let's get that antioxidant snack in that body of yours!

    Some Ideas for you:

    Blueberries are not only popular, but also repeatedly ranked in the U.S. diet as having one of the highest antioxidant capacities among all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings. Antioxidants are essential to optimizing health by helping to combat the free radicals that can damage cellular structures as well as DNA.

    Green tea is the least processed and thus provides the most antioxidant polyphenols, notably a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), which is believed to be responsible for most of the health benefits linked to green tea.

    Small Red Bean (dried) Half cup
    Wild blueberry 1 cup
    Red kidney bean (dried) Half cup
    Pinto bean Half cup
    Blueberry (cultivated) 1 cup
    Cranberry 1 cup (whole)
    Artichoke (cooked) 1 cup (hearts)
    Blackberry 1 cup
    Prune Half cup
    Raspberry 1 cup
    Strawberry 1 cup
    Red Delicious apple 1 whole
    Granny Smith apple 1 whole
    Pecan 1 ounce
    Sweet cherry 1 cup
    Black plum 1 whole
    Russet potato (cooked) 1 whole
    Black bean (dried) Half cup
    Plum 1 whole
    Gala apple 1 whole



    Thursday, September 5, 2013

    Wednesday, September 4, 2013

    Challenge of the Day!

    Hi Team!!!

    Keep up the great work and stay focused. 

    Okay today we are going to Dare you to....................... 100 JUMPING JACKS!

    In the living room, watch out for the ceiling fan, out in the back yard, in the park. 

    Let us know if you did your JUMPING JACKS.




    Tuesday, September 3, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Keep up with the protein snacks. Try some roasted soy nuts.

    3 sets of 1 minute wall sits! 

    Get healthy.


    Monday, September 2, 2013

    Pushups and Sit-ups

    Hi Fitness Folks.

    Haven't posted in awhile, moving to a new website.  www.darenutrition.com

    Okay, Challenge of the Day

    Before Lunch
    25 x Pushups
    25 x Sit-ups

    Before Bed
    30 Pushups
    30 Sit-ups

    Remember to get your 8hrs of sleep!!!


    +Mike Butchko
    +Dare Nutrition

    Wednesday, June 19, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Listen to your body! If you need to take a break, do it! Today... Don't make an excuse NOT to work out, don't think about it...just do it! Have a healthy day my healthy friends. 

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Walk an extra mile today and 100 squats. Have a healthy day my healthy friends. 

    Friday, June 14, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Sign up for a 5k. I'll be at Foam Fest in Sacramento, every year my daughter and I participate in this event....soooo much fun! Don't forget to take a "restore" vitamin from herbalife 24line, it helps restore your muscles after an intense workout. To order go to shakesalicious.com. Have a healthy day my healthy friends!

    Challenge of the day

    My friend Alex challenges you to a "foo foo fighting" match. I challenge you to do 250 squats in increments of 50 throughout the day. Have a healthy day my healthy friends. 

    Tuesday, June 11, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Find a nice shady spot to park your car,  far from the entrance door. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Oh and 30 squats, 30 lunges, 3, 30 seconds wall sits. Have a healthy day my healthy friends!

    Thursday, June 6, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Get your ass to yoga class, GO TO YOGA! Have a healthy day my healthy friends. 

    Tuesday, June 4, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    30 squats, 30 lunges, 30 sit-ups, 30 second plank. Have a healthy day my healthy friends. 

    Monday, June 3, 2013

    Challenge of the day:

    Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. De-stress by taking 10 min walks throughout the day. Don't reach for the desserts, reach for your walking shoes instead. Have a healthy day my healthy friends!  

    Sunday, June 2, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Make yourself happy. Sorry about not posting in a while. Get ready to be challenged!!!!


    Thursday, May 2, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the day: don't sweat the small stuff, focus on staying positive. ... And of course continue the 30 day challenge: 130 squats, 2 min 35 second plank. (I think this is where we are are at...) have a healthy day my healthy friends!
    www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, May 1, 2013

    Tuesday, April 30, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: tell someone that needs to hear it: "I love you!" AND continue the 30 day challenge: 125 squats and 2 min 25 sec plank. Good luck. Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Monday, April 29, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: 30 day challenge continues... 120 squats 2min 05 sec planks. Have a healthy day my healthy friends. www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Thursday, April 25, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: So, I'm doing a 30 day challenge where I do squats and planks. Everyday I go up 5 squats and add 5 seconds to my plank. I'm on day 9. Today I did 90 squats and 1 min 40 seconds plank. My a#% is gonna look awesome for the summer. Wanna do the challenge with me? www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, April 24, 2013

    Thursday, April 18, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: 60 squats, 45 seconds plank. Do your legs hurt from yesterday's challenge? If so, try a rebuild vitamin from the 24line with Herbalife. www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, April 17, 2013

    Tuesday, April 16, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: Don't complain when your trainer tells you to do 25 reps, just DO IT! Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Monday, April 15, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: Do not eat a whole box of milkduds, instead get your butt off the couch and go for a walk. Find a park with a jungle gym and do some pull ups and box jumps. Have a healthy day my healthy friends.
    www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Thursday, April 11, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: GET ORGANIZED. As soon as you can organize your material things, your life will automatically follow. Oh and walk 3 miles today. Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, April 10, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: Stay focused, eat healthy and extend your exercising an additinal 15 minutes today. Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Monday, April 8, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: 10 squats every hour on the hour. Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Friday, April 5, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the day: just smile.... When your doing 100 squats!!!!! Have a great weekend my healthy friends!
    www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Thursday, April 4, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: As tempting as it may be, DO NOT eat the left over Easter candy. If your Easter egg hiding was anything like ours... Than you were stuffing eggs around 11pm night before and using a left over bag of mm's from v-day, chocolate chips and big ass marshmallows!!!! My daughter had the biggest sugar rush, I think she was talking in tongue at one point! Happy Easter-100 sit ups-12 push ups! Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, April 3, 2013

    Tuesday, April 2, 2013

    Challenge of the day:

    Challenge of the day: 100 sit ups 4 times today. ( i'm really trying to get at least a 4 pack for the summer ). Is anyone reading my challenges of the day? Anyone out there? ????  Have a healthy day, my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Monday, April 1, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: Ok, so I may have missed the last two days posting the challenge, but that doesn't mean you should stop exercising or eating healthy. I painted my daughters room friday night, walked a mile Saturday and moved out of my house Sat and Sun. What did you do? Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Thursday, March 28, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the day: Make your boss happy :)  and walk a mile. Have a healthy day my healthy friends!  www.shakesalicious.com  gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, March 27, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the Day: Easy Breezy today, 100 squats and 100 sit ups. GOTCHA SUCKA'S.... and YOU thought I was going to go easy on you today... Hec NO, summer is coming we need to focus on our 6 pack ( and I'm not talking about a 6 pack of beer). Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com  gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Tuesday, March 26, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: hello my healthy friends, what a beautiful day. Today pass on the frumpy french fries and choose a healthy salad ( dressing on the side or better yet, no dressing - use salsa instead) AND walk/jog/skip/gallop/bike ride/roller blade ( anything that will get you outdoors and moving) 1 mile. Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Monday, March 25, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: Don't you think struggling with your 8year old to get to bed is excercise enough- it sure does take a lot of energy. But we still should do something healthy-right? So let's do 300 sit ups and 10 push ups. Wish me luck with the push ups.... Not my favorite. www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Sunday, March 24, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: Eat healthy, exercise.... Kiss the one you love, and than kiss 'em again. Have a healthy day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Thursday, March 21, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: No elevator, use stairs. No escalators, use stairs-Always! Have a healthy day my healthy friendswww.shakesalicuous.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, March 20, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the day: better late than never... Sorry I couldn't get to the challenge of the day sooner. Today 100 sit-ups and 25 push ups! You got this! Have a healthy day!
    www.shakesalicious.com Gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Monday, March 18, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the Day: Bust out your bike and find a nature trail. Try and keep your heart rate up so you can burn fat, not muscle. Enjoy your day my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com  gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Friday, March 15, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the Day: Get ready for St. Patty's day, pull out all green items in your closet that do not fit you anymore and donate. This will be a difficult challenge for me because I am in the process of moving and I have everything, everywhere. Have a great Friday my healthy friends! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Thursday, March 14, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the day: Well... yesterday my trainer must have read the challenge of the day, because I had to do 4 reps :) Today, lets focus on tightening our butt... 25 lunges 4 sets throughout the day. It's not as bad as it sounds... Lets get healthy! www.shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Wednesday, March 13, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the Day: If you normally do 3 sets when you work out, try to do a 4th one today. If you don't have a work out regimen, start today: 100 jumping jacks, 25 ball squats, 15 push ups ( ugh- my least favorite), 25 burpies, 25 sit ups. Remember if your body is sore from working out, take a RESTORE item # 1418 it helps combat exercise- induced inflammation and it supports immunity- order through my website shakesalicious.com. Have a great day! www.shakesalicious.comgethealthy@shakesalicious.com

    Tuesday, March 12, 2013

    Sunday, March 10, 2013

    Challenge of the day

    Challenge of the day: 1 mile walk. Easy-breezy. Don't forget our Benadryl or Allegra!

    Saturday, March 9, 2013

    Challenge of the Day: Take advantage of a full parking lot. Instead of wasting time looking for close spots, park farther way from the door and start hoofing it. www.shakesalicious.com

    Friday, March 8, 2013

    Challenge of the day: Swaaaeeetttt TGIF. Lets do something fun today, bike ride, roller blade, jump rope, a physical activity you find fun, but do it outside. My significant other would suggest "afternoon nookie" in a secluded place outside.... He's so crazy.... Lolwww.shakesalicious.comKcastaneda@shakesalicious.com

    Thursday, March 7, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the day: Eat more veggies, it is one of the healthiest things you can do for your health and a great way to loose weight. Today, look in your refrigerator and food pantry, get rid of 2 unhealthy items AND don't buy that item again! Time to get healthy!www.shakesalicious.comGethealthy@shakesaliciuos.com

    Wednesday, March 6, 2013

    Challenge of the day: Too remember to post Challenge of the Day... sorry, I missed yesterday :) So to make up for it, I will personally walk an extra 30 minutes today. As for you, walk with me.. extra 30 minutes today! www.shakesalicious.com  kcastaneda@shakesalicious.com gethealthy@shakesalicous.com

    Monday, March 4, 2013

    Challenge of the day: Instead of your 10AM coffee break time, reach for your walking shoes instead.

    Sunday, March 3, 2013

    Challenge of the day: Enjoy this beautiful day ( at least it is beautiful in Northern CA) pack a healthy picnic and go to the park. Don't forget your water!

    Saturday, March 2, 2013

    Challenge of the Day: Today I sat with my mom to show her my website, shakesalicious.com. I showed her the Challenge of the Day, she suggested today's challenge should be to walk a mile. So, there it is, today's challenge " walk a mile"!

    Thursday, February 28, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Hello Healthy World,

    Today's challenge is follow through. 

    Complete all the task you set out for yourself.  Complete those 5 reps of 15 squats!!!  Finish cleaning the home office!  Finish that healthy shopping!  You got this!

    Get Healthy!
    Get Happy!


    Challenge of the Day

    Hello Healthy Folks,

    Yesterday we posted the Challenge of the Day on the wrong site, so we corrected our error.  Also that means 2 Challenge of the Day post will apply...  No complaining, Get Healthy and have fun!!!

    Challenge of the day: Take the stairs, park far away, try to get in extra steps today, every steps counts towards a healthier you! Try the herbal tea, one cup burns 100 calories, order through shakesalicious.com


    Wednesday, February 27, 2013

    Challenge of the Day

    Challenge of the Day!

    Get Healthy!

    Choose brown rice over white, mix with beans, herbs, vegetables, or chicken; or added to a burrito or soup. A serving of brown rice is a great source of selenium, which can cut your cancer and heart disease risk.  Because it contains 2 milligrams of vitamin E, it's an excellent antioxidant that helps repair your muscles. It also helps lower cholesterol and reduces the risk of metabolic syndrome, which can lead to obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.  So eat up, watch your servings- ½ cup (cooked) should be sufficient.
